Saturday, September 25, 2010


Well as most of you know I went through the temple almost 2 months ago. It was GREAT. It was one of the happiest days of my life. (Not as happy as our wedding day but it was close.) We just found out a week ago on Sunday that our clearence for our sealing has come back and we are clear to go. We just had to set a date and call the temple and go for it. :) We decided we would go for October 16, 2010 for us to go and get sealed. This day will either be tied with our wedding day or just above it. I am so excited I can not wait. We are doing Great. OUr marriage is good and we are happier then ever. I miss Chris right now. He has been gone since Thursday night and won't be back until late tonight. (saturday). I miss him and yea I know that it isn't as long as some spouses are gone, but it is long enough for me. Well, I just thought I would blog about our temple things just because I am so excited, but talk to everyone later. @))------