Friday, June 5, 2009

May 2009

Hey everybody. This is great! My life is perfect. Well except Chris is gone right now, until tomorrow night!!! :(. But, our marriage is going great! We're happier than ever. We are fighting more than before, but that's normal. We have only gotten into 1 enormous fight, where we both were yelling at each other and we didn't talk to each other for a while. We both needed to time to think and now it's all good. Well, life is great, grand, and wonderful. I am sick of all the drama though. People need to leave me and Chris alone. Yeah, we will see people we don't want to see around town and stuff, but that's because we all live there. DUH!!!!! But, if we see you, don't stare at us. Just keep doing what you're doing and everything will be good. Anyways, I'm so glad that Chris and I met. If we wouldn't have met then I don't even think that I would be with anybody worth while. I might have ended up with an idiot who is on drugs and drinking all the time. That's no good.
Sometimes, I wish I could read what Chris was thinking because there are some days where I think he is mad at me or thinking about something and I ask him and he tells me nothing. And when we get into our deep conversations, I wanna know what all he is thinking not just what he is saying, but when talk like that we both tell each other what is on our minds. Not just what the other person wants to hear. That's what I looooove about him, I can talk to him about anything and he won't go and tell anybody else. I'll do the same for him. He will do anything for me and I appreciate it so much.
Chris is an amazing man. No body knows how wonderful he is. People think I'm just saying that because he is my husband, but I'm not. If I thought he was a jerk or mean then I would tell you, Hey my husband is a jerk. But he really isn't. All he needs when he gets upset is for someone to listen to what he has to say and talk to him about it. He doesn't want anybody to feel sorry for him and baby him, he just wants someone to listen to him. He doesn't want any body to fight with him when he is mad. My husband means the world to me, and I mean the world to him. There is nothing in the world that I wouldn't do for him and he knows that. So, if anybody out there, that is reading this, that is thinking about screwing up our marriage, don't even think about it. I will kick your a$$.
Babe, if you are reading this, I love you and you are everything to me. My #1. Don't ever let ANYBODY change the way you feel about me and I won't let ANYBODY change the way I feel about you. I LOVE YOU!!!

Thursday, April 23, 2009

APRIL 2009

Right now, we are happily married. We can't wait to have children. We have been married for almost 3 months now and it is awesome. He is my #1 on everything. We are always talking about our money situation we never argue about money. We don't spend money or just anything before we talk about it. Everything is going really good. He is my best friend, my husband, and my companion. Yeah, we get into our little arguements but it usually lasts only 5 minutes or so. He is an awesome brother to Warren. My parents adore him, and his parents like me. Everthing is good with our families. We enjoy being around each other. We don't get off of work and tell eachother to leave us alone or I want to go here by myself. If that's the case then there is something wrong with your relationship. We are enjoying each others company.
We have a lot of fun. All I can say is he is the most fabulous man in the world and I don't know how any did what they had done to him in the past. It's just sad, but on my part it's good or else I wouldn't be as happy as I am right now.


Well, first off Chris and I met at his cousin Rhiannon's house. She invited me over for dinner one night and her mom invited Chris over so we sat around for a while and talked. Then he kept asking Rhiannon how I was doing and how old I was. Well, she told him that I would be 18 in a couple of months, but really it was like 9 months. LOL!!! Well, he came to where I was working on April 11th and asked me what time I got off and I didn't get off until midnight. He came back at like 11:30 p.m and waited for me to get off. I didn't get off until 12:45 a.m. It was so cute. After I got off of work we went out driving around. This is the 1st time that we have actually hung out alone. We have hung out a couple times before that but it was with Rhiannon. Anyways, we were driving around, talking, you know the usual. Well we parked at the Taylor softball field by the rodeo grounds and started talking. All of a sudden he just kissed me. It was amazing. Ever since that night we have been together.

After a couple months of dating we went to Vernon at a dance that we knew who was performing so we went. The night before that we got into this big ol' conversation about how he doesn't want to say that he loves me because of what had happened the previous year and he wants to make sure that I am the right girl for him and stuff. Well, he must have went home that night and prayed about it because while we were dancing he grabbed me and whispered into my ear that he loves me. It made me cry. It was the sweetest thing. So after that, we started talking about how we felt about marriage. Chris, of course, was a little shaky and didn't know what to think about the whole marriage thing because he had gotten a divorce because she cheated on him and he was kind of nervous. Then, after a while of talking about it he got more confortable and was more serious about things. Everything was going good!

On October 18, 2008 we went to the Valley for a reunion I think it was for his Mclellan family and he had everything planned out. He told his mom and dad that he might ask me to marry him that night, he told his cousin Tiffany and her husband, and his cousin Peggy. I was getting a little frustrated because he kept going into the hallway of the church and leaving me in the gym where I knew no body at all and he would be out there for like 5 minutes with each one of the people. Well, we went to the mall and he told me that we were just going to look at rings just for fun. Stupid me, I didn't think anything about it because we had gone to Walmart and looked at rings before. Well we looked at rings and we walking around the mall afterwards and he said he had to go to the "restroom." He was gone for 1 hour before he got back.
We get to his house and it was like 11:45 p.m before we got there. I go to use the restroom and when I get out he asked me if I took my book home that he had bought me and he made look and look around the house for it. Well, he put the ring on top of the book and when I had found it he spun me around real quick and asked me to marry him. It was fantastic. I was so surprised and happy. I didn't know what to think. Of course I said yes, who wouldn't if you love the person right.

We got married 3 months after that on January 30, 2009. It was the best day of my life. We were so happy. It was the best wedding I could ever dream of. So as of right now I have a wonderful mother-in-law and a father-in-law. My brother-in-law is a wonderful guy as well. I know Chris looks up to him alot. My mom, and step dad are really supportive and everything is going well.